Author: Aubeeluck Rohan Student ID:19539315 Email: ISYS3004 Business Web Technologies (Semester 1 2020) Assignment 1: Website Evaluation Report Please be connected to the internet while browsing this project or visit the web hosted version here: Starting with the main page, we have the purpose of why the project was made as well as a conclusion of the evaluation. Four websites were chosen and divided into 2 categories like and dislike based on my opinion. Those 4 websites are then evaluated using 7 segments namely: Content, Navigation, Layout, Behaviour, Web technologies, Overall functionality and User experience. The project was built using: @HTML >Banner >Navigation bar >Side navigation bar/menu >Videos >Clickable images that redirects to other pages >Font editing ie: Colours, Underline, Bold, Icons >Html tables >Footer >And more @Embedded, External and Inline CSS; @JavaScript >Back button >Go back up button >Collapsible content @as well as copyright free icons from (thus the webpage is not offline) The image folder contains the images called in the CSS as well as in the HTML. The video folder involves video with different formats to accommodate all browsers. Both images and videos were used in the analysis. There are 6 HTML in total namely: index.html likeCoursera.html likeYouTube.html dislikeArngren.html dislikePatimex.html references.html as well as 2 CSS one being the default for all HTML and another one for a collapsing function used in likeCoursera.html and dislikePatimex.html The webpage was created and validated with HTML and CSS. The Nav bar navigates to the 6 mentioned HTMLs respectively. PSA: This readme was not meant to be read as the evaluation or conclusion itself please visit the webpage to do so. Introduction: The website evaluates analyses two website that I liked and two website that I disliked. The 2 formers are Coursera and YouTube while the 2 latter are Arngren and Patrimex. (a short description about the 4 websites is available in their respective HTMLs. The images correspond to the website’s logos which are clickable to redirect to their respective HTMLs Conclusion: The evaluation came to conclusion that some website are unappealing and unfriendly design and UI can make it harder for the user to browse the webpage. Whereas a well-designed website is cuddly to browse. I enjoyed Coursera it is user friendly all contents are easily available in a simplistic clean box-like interface. The color scheme and pattern are appealing and their course page are very informative. It offers online learning courses to potentially obtain a degree or even a master. This is another one that I liked, YouTube provides dark mode and the ability to watch as well as upload videos on their platform for free. The navigation is great and consistent throughout the different page layouts. Now onto the dislike, Arngren is a good example of a bad website design. The interface is overlapping on to each other, making content unreadable. There is no pattern and there is repetition and redundancy of elements such as search bar or index links. Patimex is the fourth website, this website is unappealing to browse with animation constantly running and auto playing music. It also uses every old web technology which is going to be discarded by google chrome at the end of this year. Reference list: This page contains all the references used throughout the website. The stylesheet was build using guide on YouTube videos as well as existing templates in order to achieve a beautiful styling. Some basic JaveScript was used in the “Go Back” and “Back to up” button as well as in the collapsing element. Copyright free icons were called via JavaScript Logos were retrieved from the websites itself and W3Tech was used to learn about the different web technologies the four websites uses Spent around 130 hours on creating this website. Acknowledgement: W3schools, YouTube tutorials, Existing templates used as reference, Photoshop, FontAwesome for icons as well as the four website evaluated. co